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Sessions & Activities

We are open for 38 weeks a year and follow the West Sussex schools' term dates.


We support your child's development through tapping into their own interests. We encourage the children to choose activities independently. All toys and equipment are accessible to the children. During each session the children are offered snack. This is a sociable time for the children where they learn to eat together and try new tastes if they want to. The children are offered a variety of healthy snacks are on offer each session much of which the children grow themselves in the summer months.


In line with good Pre-School practice, all our children are supported in developing their potential at their own pace.

Our key worker system enables us to ensure a planned curriculum tailored to the needs of each individual child.

By means of developmentally appropriate play activities and a high level of individual adult input, we offer individualised learning based on the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS) which prepares children to progress with confidence and helps them to be ready for starting school at the end of their time with us.


We keep detailed observations of your child in their Learning Journal which you are welcome to see with their key worker and learning opportunities are planned based on what your child likes doing so that they learn new skills as they play.

We share your child's 'Next Steps' planning with you termly so that you can support your child's development at home with shared focus.

Children are given book bags and encouraged to freely borrow books from our library to enjoy  with you at home.

Children have opportunities to paint, pretend, dress-up, build, snip & glue, thread, count, talk, explore, sing, investigate, plant, dig, ride, jump, listen, share, join-in, laugh & sign.


We have play houses, playground, bikes, sand, gazebo, grow houses, vegetable garden, computer, water play, construction, dolls, books and puzzles.

Copyright 2013 Shoreham Preschool. 

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