Policies and Procedures
1. Safeguarding
1.1 Children's Rights and Entitlements Policy
1.5 Use of Mobile Phones and Cameras Policy
2. Safety and Risk Assessment
2.1 Safety Entering and Leaving Pre-School
2.2 Risk Assessment & Challenge Policy
2.3 Emergency Evacuation and Lock Down Procedure
3. Employment Policies
3.2 Use of Social Network and Internet
4 Staff Qualifications, Training, Support and Skills
4.1 Staffing and Recruitment Policy
4.2 The Role of the Key Worker
4.3 Parental Involvement Policy
4.4 Grievance and Disciplinary Procedure
5. Health
5.1 Policy for Administering Medicines
5.2 Managing Children Who Are Sick and Infectious
5.3 Policy and Procedure in the Event of an Accident
5.6 Health & Emotional Well Being Policy
6. Equal Opportunities
6.1 Equality and Diversity Policy
6.2 Supporting Children with Additional Needs
7. Information and Records
7.3 Confidentiality and Privacy Policy