Inclusion and the Local Offer
We are an inclusive setting and can offer your child patience, kindness, encouragement and understanding to support their development and learning.
If your child has additional needs, we hope the following information will help you. We offer an 'open door' policy so please do feel free to come and see us if you would like further information.
1. How does the early years setting know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs or disablitilies?
Each child has a key-worker who monitors your child's progress and development through careful observation and interaction with your child.ï‚·
You are always welcome to discuss your child's progress and any concerns you may have. You know your child best and we are here to listen.ï‚·
We will identify specific needs by ongoing observations and the progress review which we will share with you.ï‚·
With your permission we will seek advice from outside agencies where necessary to ensure we are supporting your child appropriately.
2. How will early years setting staff support my child?
Your key-worker and the SENCO/INCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator / Inclusion Co-ordinator)will work with your child and will oversee the educational program, alongside the other staff ï‚·
We will work with you and set up a Play Plan for your child. This will include specific details to identify the need and give direction to all staff to meet that need. Any advice from outside agencies will be used in planning activities for your child, such as speech and language advice or Portage goals.
3. How will the curriculum be matched to my child's needs? ï‚·
Each child will have a key-worker who is responsible for your child's learning journal, this includes observations, child's interests and progress reviews.
Specific needs will be identified and met through the ongoing observations and assessments ï‚·
Activities will be planned to meet the child's needs and adjusted to each child's abilities to support them in their Next Steps in learning following the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.
4. How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child's learning? ï‚·
Your input is invaluable and your key-worker is available for casual chats and discussions about your child's progress both at home and at pre-school or other settings.ï‚·
A more formal time is also available for you to discuss the next steps for your child and the progress they are making ï‚·
The progress review will enable you to see the stage your child is at and if it is the right stage for their age.
5. What support will there be for my child's overall well being? ï‚·
Staff are available to talk to you at the beginning and end of the session and you are always welcome to phone in if you would like reassurance during the session about your child and what they are doing and if they are happy. We are all parents and understand. It's much better to ring in to put your mind at rest than sit at home and worry.ï‚·
We will work alongside and with parents and outside agencies to give your child the best support we can within our setting ï‚·
If any medical assistance is required we will do appropriate training that is needed to help and support your child.
Staff have Paediatric First Aid training which is renewed every three years ï‚· Medicines prescribed by a Doctor can be administered at pre-school in line with our Medicines Policy. ï‚·
We have a behaviour management policy. All children are treated with respect. The views of the children are listened to with respect and taken into consideration. ï‚·
Safety is paramount within the group, entrances are secure at all times and risk assessments are carried out to check the safety of toys and equipment.
Our confidentiality policy also restricts the use of mobile phones/cameras within the playroom or toilet area.
6. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the early years setting?
The manager, Louisa Holden is a qualified, experienced teacher with over 25 years experience as a class teacher, SEN teacher, SENCO, Early Years Childcare Advisor and Portage Co-ordinator for West Sussex.ï‚·
All staff have experience and training to support Children with a wide range of SEND. ï‚·
Other services we have access to include, Speech and Language Therapy, West Sussex Portage Service, Sensory Support team, Early Childhood Service, IPEH and Ofsted, Occupational Health and Physio Therapy Service.
7. What training are the staff supporting children with SEND had or are having?
SENCO/INCO training. Child Protection, Speech and Language, Paediatric First Aid, English as an Additional language, Supporting a child with Autistic Spectrum Condition, Epi pen training, Makaton training and supporting a child with hearing impairment.ï‚·
The setting will seek to undertake training/ information for specific needs as necessary.
8. How will my child be included in activities outside the early years setting including trips? ï‚·
When local outings are arranged parents are notified and the appropriate forms signed so staff know what is needed for your child ï‚·
For local outings staff normally take up to three children each, but if your child needs individual assistance this will be arranged ï‚·
All necessary medical arrangements will be taken into account and will be available on the outing if required ï‚·
Discussions between parents and staff regarding the procedures to help your child get the most out of the outing will be done prior to the outing.
9. How accessible is the early years setting environment. (indoors and outdoors)? ï‚·
There is a disabled parking bay just outside the pre-school entrance in the Swiss Gardens Primary School car park.
The entrance way into the preschool and toilet area is flat although doorways are standard size.
The playground is flat and although our vegetable garden is accessed by steps, there are lots of low level flower beds which are easily accessible.
There are two standard sized toilets which may not be wheel chair accessible due to narrow doorways.
There are no internal stairs ï‚·
We have child height tables and chairs as well as floor activities ï‚·
The tables and trolleys of toys are set out in the same places each session so that the children know where they are in the rooms.
10. How will the setting prepare and support my child to join the early years setting transfer to a new setting/school? ï‚·
We have an open door policy so you and your child are welcome to visit as many times as you feel necessary so that children can become familiar with the setting and staff. However, if a child has special needs we will work with parents and offer more if necessary until we are sure your child is ready to stay without you ï‚·
We will use information and guidelines from any other agencies your child may already be in contact with to help settle them in ï‚·
When moving on to another setting or school, your child's journal will be shared with them so that they can see the progress and development your child has made ï‚·
With your permission we will arrange meetings with your child's new setting/school to discuss their needs and progress. We will also arrange for your child's new teacher to visit our setting so they can meet them in a familiar environment. When necessary, transition meetings are set up with your child's next school/ setting where parents, SENCO, head teacher, class teacher and other agencies such as Speech and Language, FIRST, sensory support are invited to discuss your child's needs and what support they may need in their new setting. This helps t ensure that your child will start school with all the support they may need in place and ready for them before they actually start to give them the best seamless transition. ï‚·
We will use resources provided by the new school and provide activities at pre-school to talk about school and prepare them for their next steps.
11. How are the early years settings resources allocated and matched to children's special educational needs? ï‚·
Funding is allocated on a case by case basis. It will be made available for equipment or toys necessary for a child's needs. The Manager will decide on the level of funding in relation to the needs of the whole setting. ï‚·
Any grants will be sought if available from other agencies including applications to the ECS team for Inclusion funding to improve adult/child ratios for your child.
12. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive? ï‚·
A child with additional needs will have one of the senior staff allocated as their keyworker.
The key-worker in consultation with other senior staff and parents, will discuss and identify your child's needs and how those needs will be addressed
Your child's progress will be recorded and monitored in their journal and Play Plans that identify the need and how to meet them will be drawn up in consultation with parents (Play Plan)
All staff are expected to use these plans during the child's sessions at Shoreham Pre-School. These will be discussed at weekly staff meetings and reviewed regularly. ï‚·
Where necessary outside agencies will be contacted if extra help is needed, and the setting will work with them to support your child
Our Early Years Childcare Advisor would be contacted for Targeted Setting Support to help us with strategies and advice for us to support your child.
13. How are parents involved in the early years setting? How can I be involved? ï‚·
At Shoreham Pre-School we work hard to help you to feel involved and part of your child's pre-school journey. We have a whiteboard at the gate where we write up what the children have been doing. We also have a text service to let you know of events or to give reminders. We send out a termly newsletter and have developed this website. Twice a year we organise and invite you to an evening social event to help you to get to know the staff and other parents better.ï‚·
All parents can talk to their child's key-worker or the Manager at a mutually convenient time. You will also be encouraged to make an appointment to view and discuss your child's journal and progress termly or more often if you wish. ï‚·
Every term you will be given a copy of your child's next steps sheet where you can give your comments or request that specific learning needs are included (in discussion with the key-worker).
With your permission, all planning will be shared with outside agencies involved with the care of your child and other settings they may attend to ensure continuity.
14. Who can I contact for further information? ï‚·
Louisa Holden is our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator. You are welcome to call in or phone and make a time to meet. Details can be found on the contact page of this website.
There is also a wealth of information available on the West Sussex County Council website under Local Offer. www.westsussex.gov.uk/localoffer