About Us

Shoreham Pre-School is a privately run, Ofsted registered independent pre-school caring for children aged 2-4 years old.
For more information follow this link to our Parent/Carer Handbook.
​The pre-school is open during term time only and sessions run from 9 - 12pm and 12.30 - 3pm, Monday - Friday. There is no session on Wednesday afternoons due to our staff meeting. We have a lunch club for the older children every day except Wednesdays with limited places for children to have the option of staying from 9am - 3pm where capacity allows.
The pre-school is managed and led by Louisa Holden who is a trained and experienced teacher.
The staff are passionate about the nurturing and development of children to reach their full potential, enabling children to develop confidence and belief in themselves as individuals.
We are situated five minutes from the centre of Shoreham on the site of Swiss Gardens Primary School and enjoy strong links with the school.
We have a bright, well-equiped stimulating playroom and an enclosed outside playground with vegetable, fruit and flower gardens.
Our aim is:
To enhance the development and education of children in a warm, inspiring and happy environment where all children are supported and encouraged to believe in themselves and their own abilities
To work within a framework which ensures equality of opportunity for all children and families.
We offer your child:
Individualised teaching and learning based on your child's interests and following the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum,
The support of a named Key Worker responsible for your child's Learning Journal and for liaising with you as a family.
Liaison with any other setting your child attends or with any other professionals working to support your child.
Individual care and attention made possible by a good ratio of adults to children.
Fun and friendship with other childre