Our last Ofsted inspection was on 6th November 2015. The inspector made judgements on the care and education of the children at the Pre-School. We received a grading of ‘Outstanding’ in every category which means that all areas of the provision was judged to be ‘exceptional and way above the norm.’ Here are some of the things Ofsted have written about the Pre-School.
'The key-person system is exceptional. Staff have impressively strong relationships with their key children. They work extremely closely with parents to share and agree plans for children's learning. Children make excellent progress nurtured by adults who understand how to help them. Staff's understanding of how children learn is outstanding. Staff differentiate activities to enable children to make excellent progress. For example, they support individual children's independence by giving differing levels of support for self-care tasks.
Staff's support for children moving on to school is inspirational and enables them to do so with great confidence. For example, children visit schools carrying out small jobs to familiarise themselves with the building. Staff ensure that meetings for those needing additional support involve nursery staff, school staff as well as parents.
Staff know every child exceptionally well and use what they know to help them fulfil their potential. For example, when planning activities staff group children carefully and with sensitivity so that those with different personalities learn from one another's strengths and support each other.'
A full copy of the report is available at the Pre-School for parents to read or click this link. Ofsted Report 2015